Denali "The High One"

20,320 ft.


Mt. McKinley, Alaska, North America

Denali is the highest mountain in North America.  It is located in the Alaska Range, just over 3 degrees south of the Arctic Circle at a latitude of 63 degrees north.  Its latitude and height make it one of the coldest mountains on earth.

Denali journal entry:
May 7, 2006 
Low Temp. 35 F

"An exciting day!  We awoke to a clear view of Denali.  It's a go!  We load the planes in Talkeetna and fly to base camp on Kahiltna Glacier at 7,200 ft.  I am the lone woman in a sea of 10 men.  This climb will be a test of my strength, stamina, patience, and will power.  It will test my MS beyond anything I have previously done.  I must trust myself and my body and live this dream."